Plough Sunday

Plough Sunday

14 Jan 2020 • General news

As in every January we prayed for all our work this year with the aid of Roly Morris' plough. Unfortunately the weather wasn't as good as in the picture but you can use the prayer at anytime for our farmers.


Plough Sunday Prayer

Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation: for in your abundant care you have given us fertile land, rich soil, the seasons in their courses. You provide seed for sowing, water, light and warmth to bring forth the miracle of growth. You give us skill to work the land, to prepare and nourish it, that it may be fruitful. 

By your blessing, let this plough be a sign of all that you promise to us. Prosper the work of our hands, and provide abundant crops for your people to share. Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God speed the plough. Amen.